Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Detox Day

I decided that in order to jump start my dieting and healthy habits I would do a 24 hour detox.  I had received a recipe for this "detox juice" after getting a body wrap at the Orchid Medspa.  The body wrap was WONDERFUL but I never had time to follow through with the detox.  So Tuesday was the big day.....

I woke up early and made my detox juice which consisted of non-sweetened orange, cranberry, and pomegranate juices and other various spices.  I was to drink the juice after I warmed it every hour throughout the day.  Sounds easy, right?

Well making the juice was fine.  The taste of the juice was fine.  After three hours, I was shocked to find that I wasn't starving.  The thought of eating consumed me.  I continued to think of all the foods I was missing out on throughout the day.  Eggs for breakfast, grilled chicken salad for lunch, ranch dressing on my salad, endless possibilities for dinner.  Then the thought of my favorite-- Rolando's-- snuck into my head and I couldn't help but have a watering mouth.  But, I didn't give in....until 9:30 at night when I ate some cottage cheese and turkey and cheese for "dinner".  I wasn't supposed to eat at all but I was shaking and weak and had NO energy. 

The results were not drastic at all.  I didn't lose mega weight-- just 3 pounds which is easily water weight.  So, I wondered if my day of torture was truly worth it. 

Today, however, I went to the gym first thing this morning after eating egg whites.  Usually, I begin my workout with about 20 minutes on the elliptical.  I couldn't last hardly 7 minutes.  The older lady beside me was listening to an iPod, reading a magazine, talking to a neighbor on the elliptical, and had been at for 22 minutes! I felt like a weakling.  My gym time resulted in a workout from an awesome application on my iPhone that required no weights and much stretching.  This was more my speed! Then I was outta there to find lunch because I NEEDED to eat something.  (Too bad my mother made me wait 30 minutes for our planned lunch date.....) Haha!

Bottom Line of the Detox: It was torture. It made me weak.  It made me appreciate every morsel of food that I placed into my mouth today.  It made me realize that typically I overeat.  And 24 hours after the detox, I'm down SIX pounds.  You be the judge of it's worth.  =)

Have a great day from this weakling!

1 comment:

  1. Go Em! Just got done looking through all of your pictures! They are so presh! Love you!

