Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Back to Childhood

You never realize how much you rely on simple, everyday things, such as electricity, until it is GONE.  Today I spent 18+ hours without power.  Because our home has a well for our water, we had no water as well.  How inconvenient!!

To kill time today, I spent time reading, organizing my "book box" for my future classroom, and playing with my two younger cousins.  We went on an "adventure" to examine the flood damage to our low water creek behind the house.  We also made some friendship bracelets, or as Logan like to call them- crafts. 

The little boys really took me back to when I was around their age today.  It reminded me to stay young, keep life simple, and always laugh.  From silly word misuses by Braeden to hearing Logan read little books to me.  We sure shared some laughs today!

If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.  ~Tom Stoppard


  1. Yay Em! So proud ;) We'll get the picture thing workin'!

  2. congrats on finally joining the blog world!! :) see ya around the neighborhood!

